Series 23 of British television drama The Bill was broadcast from 3 January until 28 December 2007. The series consisted of 92 episodes, and saw the conclusion of two long running-storylines, the disappearance of schoolgirl Amy Tennant and DC Zain Nadir’s undercover drug sting, prior to the return of single-themed episodes, removing much of the serialiased format formally introduced in 2002 under producer Paul Marquess; episode titles also started appearing on screen again from Episode 20 onwards. Several episodes were aired out of production order, most notably the final parts of the six episodes for the Zain storyline.
- Crime, Drama
- English
Cast & Crew
- Simon Rouse , Lisa Geoghan , Ciarán Griffiths , Daniel MacPherson , Diane Parish , Ged Simmons , Jane Wall , Natalie J. Robb
- Geoff McQueen