Series 16 of British television drama The Bill consisted of 86 episodes, broadcast between 4 January – 26 December 2000. As well as 83 regular episodes, the series also included a two-part recap special, Kiss Off, featuring a condensed broadcast of the Series 15 episodes "Lone Ranger", "Old Flame", "Push It" and "Kiss Off", prior to a special episode, The Trial of Eddie Santini, which provides closure to the Santini storyline from 1999. On 5 June 2013, The Bill Series 16 Part 1 & 2 and The Bill Series 16 Part 3 & 4 DVD sets were released (in Australia).
- Crime, Drama
- English
Cast & Crew
- Simon Rouse , Andrew Paul , Lisa Geoghan , Ciarán Griffiths , Daniel MacPherson , Tony O'Callaghan , Diane Parish , Ged Simmons
- Geoff McQueen