Dennis helps Mr Wilson sell a neighbors house.
Dennis Goes to the Movies
Dennis and the Signpost
The Fishing Trip
Grandpa and Miss Cathcart
Innocents in Space
Dennis' Garden
The New Neighbors
Tenting Tonight
Dennis Sells Bottles
Mr. Wilson's Award
The Christmas Story (aka Dennis & Christmas)
Dennis and the Cowboy
Dennis Haunts a House
Dennis' Tree House
Dennis and the Rare Coin
Dennis and the Bike
Dennis and the Open House
Dennis and the Duck
Dennis and the Swing
Dennis and the Dog
Mr. Wilson's Sister
Dennis and the TV Set
Dennis Creates a Hero
Dennis' Paper Drive
Dennis and the Bees
Alice's Birthday
Dennis Becomes a Baby Sitter
Dennis and the Starlings
The Party Line
Dennis by Proxy
Dennis Runs Away
Miss Cathcart's Sunsuit