Creepschool is a Swedish, French and Canadian animated series by Alphanim, Cookie Jar Entertainment, Happy Life and France 3 about four kids who find themselves at a spooky boarding school. The basic concept was created by Torbjörn Jansson, which was then substantially re-worked and developed by the co-head-writers Kristina Mansfeld and Per Carlsson into the series it is today. They also wrote all the storylines. Creepschool has been compared to Gravedale High.
- Animation, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
- English, French, Swedish
Cast & Crew
- Sonja Ball , Annie Bovaird , Jesse Camacho , Richard Jutras , Richard Dumont , Eva Röse , Robert Fransson , Claes Månsson
- Torbjörn Jansson
- Clément Calvet, Clément Calvet, Torbjörn Jansson