The first season follows Eva Vázquez Villanueva, a teenager who spends the summer with her boyfriend, Jorge. As the school year begins, Eva comes to realize that she has no other friends besides her b...
The second season focuses on Cristina "Cris" Soto Peña. She meets a mysterious new girl named Joana at Hugo's birthday party, and they quickly form a romantic connection. The arc of this season deals...
In a break from tradition with the original SKAM, season 3 has two central protagonists, Nora Grace and Elvira "Viri" Gómez García. Nora jumps into a new relationship after a recent break-up. It seems...
Don't tell anyone
Thing about Viri
The right person, the right moment
The concert
What have I done?
You really don't remember anything?
The Nora I liked
Are there happy endings?
Season 4 centers on Amira Naybet, a Muslim teenager growing up in Spain, with her struggles to balance her religion with her identity, as well as her burgeoning romantic relationship with a non-Muslim...