The series centres on a pair of 5-year-old twin boys, the titular Upin and Ipin, who tell stories of their everyday lives through fun and amusing actions with their friends while also learning new things during their day to day activities. Like every other children, Upin and Ipin are very mischievous and often find themselves getting into trouble, most of the time with their teenage sister Ros.
- Animation, Comedy, Action & Adventure
- Malay, English, Indonesian
Cast & Crew
- Asyiela Putri , Siti Khairunnisa , Hjh Ainon Bt Ariff , Calvin Tony Lokeemin , Tang Ying Sowk , Muhammad Hafiz Hassan , Muhammad Fareez Daniel , Rufaidah Mohamed Fadzil
- Hjh Ainon Bt Ariff, Burhanuddin Radzi