Numb Chucks (2014)

Numb Chucks

"How much good could a woodchuck do if a woodchuck could Kung Fu?"

Watch Numb Chucks

Type : TV Show Seasons: 2
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Before one night changed their lives, woodchuck brothers Dilweed and Fungus never saw themselves as heroes. But during a late-night-TV infomercial, they ordered a Woodchuck Morris kung-fu video. Now, they have made it their mission to become just as awesome as their kung-fu mentor. Misguided but with good intentions, the brothers become obsessed with using their newfound skills to protect the citizens in their town of Ding-a-Ling Springs. Dilweed and Fungus take on a never-ending quest to fight off danger with Morris' guidance.

  • Genres: Comedy
  • Language:  English

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