Xander expelled (part 1)
Xander expelled (part 2)
Does Luca have noia?
Ella after William
Horoscope lovers
In love with best friend?
Malou's double life
The secret garden party
The school's (un) perfect couple
In love with a celebrity
Can David score?
Friends over boyfriends?
Girlfriend sabotage
Terrible 1st date
The scorebook
The delicious substitute
The class's new victim of bullying
The worst Valentine
Drama for Shrovetide
Only for boys
Is the hope gone?
Lærke starves
Crazy about Vigga
Wrong girl
Couple of the year
Catfish girlfriend
Shall we look up?
Is Malou stupid?
Threatened with beatings
Victoria's revenge
Ella's fake girlfriend
Slap on the ass
Evil challenge
The girlfriend wall
Who steals?
Corona Emily
Is David in love?
Girl Code
April Fool
Flirting mistake
Skins for Nudes
Bra crisis
Ku well list
Who's the fart's owner?
Say it now, Sally
No time for friends
Har Conrad X-Factor
New boy in the class
The orcs are coming
Anti girlfriends
Xander's last chance
Can Sally score Lærke?
Louis look alike
Lying for love
Miss Perfect
Friends with a thief
The evil twin
Who knows what?
The prediction
Vigga goes crazy
A ghost in the attic
7 minutes in heaven
Double date
He is dead!
The school's biggest player
Everyone hates David
Refuses bath
Stink Bombs
Malous new flirt
The treasure hunt
Steals for the teacher
Are you afraid of the dark?
Sally's last mission
Forbidden party
Should the Class be split part 1
Should the Class be split part 2