The latest in a series of tellings of the Cutie Honey manga/anime. Honey Kisaragi is a cyborg girl who can morph into numerous costumes appropriate to the situation when she touches her heart shaped n...
Honey Flash!
The Cabaret Plan!
Investigate as a Nurse!
Fear Auction!
Second Girl!
Maid Please!
Beware of the Cellphone!
Dangerous Lesson!
The Princess Kidnapping Incident!
Trap of the Triple Date!
The Corrupt Old Lady!
Desire for Harmony!
Mixer to Me!
A Toast to Memory!
Reckless Honey!
Forbidden Love!
The Devil's Ensemble!
Papa Returns!
Androids Out!
Value Exists!
The Secret of Professor Kisaragi!
The Last Wish!
The Gift from Father!
Requiem of Fury!
Warriors of Love!
Dr. Kisaragi's Notebook!