Avaturd / CSiCarly
Trans-Bore-Mores / Groan Wars
2012 Dalmatians / Grey's in Anime
Star Blecch/uGlee
Wall-E-Nator, Extreme Renovation: House Edition, Superman's Fortress of Solitude
Pirates of the Neverland: At Wit's End, Batman Family Feud
Cliffordfield, Big Time Rushmore
Fantastic Megan Fox, Mad vs. Wild
I Love You, Iron Man, Ben 10 Franklin
Class of the Titans, Zeke and Lex Luthor
S'up, Mouse M.D.
DaGrinchy Code, Duck
Snot Pilgrim vs The Wonderful World of Disney, Malcolm in the Middle Earth
Pokémon Park, WWER
So You Think You Can Train Your Dragon to Dance, Yo Gagga Gagga
Straight A Team, Gaming's Next Top Model
The Buzz Identity, Two and a Half-Man
Are You Karate Kidding Me?, Fresh Prawn of Bel Air
Hops, Naru-210
KoBee Movie, Law and Ogre
Pooh Grit, Not-a-Fan-a-Montana
The Social Netjerk, Smallville: Turn Off the Clark
TwiSchool Musica, Avenger Time
ArThor, Big Fang Theory
Ribbetless, The Clawfice
Force Code, Flammable
25 Episodes