Barney Bodger is rebuilding a set of pantomime scenery. He goes on to explain how it wasn't his fault that the old scenery fell down.
Edwina Shufflebottom Roberts
Dr. Dimple Minds the Baby
Bull in the Laundry Shop
The Tickle Toboggan Race
Mrs Cravat and the Doll's House
Mr. Molar's Teeth
Gloria Glamorous Visits Tickle
Milking Time
Freddie Holds a Party
The Big Sneeze
The Cowboy on the Roof
Just Hanging Around
The Alternative Doctor Dimple
Dexter's Greatest Case
Jamie Gerbil and the Dinosaur
Mrs Cravat and the Aeroplane
The Magic Beans
Freddie Rescues a Cat
The Strawberry Jamboree
Barney and the Parade Platform
A Nice Cup of Tea
Freddie and the Carnival
Doctor Dimple in the 20th Century
Hamish McGrabbit
The Ghost of Tickle Abbey
Dandy's Finest Hour
Hercules and the Sausage Sizzler
The Blue Rabbit
Barney Scores a Goal
Gloria Glamorous, Flower of the East
Lucille Pink Geranium
Sweet Little Pussy Cat
The Steam Engine Rally
Barney Builds the Scenery
Freddie Loses His Bell
Beavers to the Rescue
Bats in the Belfry
Dexter Makes an Impression
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