The story revolves around the last life crisis of Jamini Mohan and his wife. After his retirement, Jamini Mohan and his wife Santoshini continued to be despised in the family of their earning sons. At this time, Gobinda, an orphan of a distant relative, became their mental hope. After facing various humiliations from their blood relationship Jamini Mohan died and as the mother of three sons, Santoshini became a burden to this family. Eventually, Gobinda became Santoshini's absolute refuge.
- Drama
- Bengali
Cast & Crew
- Mala Sinha , Anil Chatterjee , Chhabi Biswas , Jahar Roy , Nripati Chatterjee , Mihir Bhattacharya , Suprova Mukerjee , Jiben Bose
- Pinaki Mukhopadhyay