The 11th popular series in which Kyosuke Kamizu, a university professor and a famous detective, challenges the mystery of the murder case. A bank clerk Fukushima was killed by a cyanide compound on a crowded train. Newspaper reporter Yamashita and colleague Kaori, who were on board, immediately started interviewing. In addition, Kaori asked Kyosuke Kozu (Masaomi Kondo),a university professor who had previously elucidated the murder of prussic acid by tablets, for cooperation. As a result of the investigation, it is discovered that Fukushima, who was killed, violently attacked a female college student with his colleagues and forced him to commit suicide...
Cast & Crew
- Masaomi Kondo , Yôko Moriguchi , Yosuke Tagawa , Risako Miura
- Yukio Noda