1,200 years ago, the Buddhist saint Kukai (also known as Kobo Daishi) established 88 temples in Shikoku. Later, it became popular to make a pilgrimage, along a route around the island, visiting all of the temples. This pilgrimage is known as ohenro, and the pilgrims are called ohenro-san. This week on Journeys in Japan, Bene sets out on the first stage of her pilgrimage in Tokushima Prefecture. She has a guide with her for part of the journey: David Moreton is a college lecturer who has been studying the pilgrimage for 20 years. Together they make their way along a mountain trail that is considered one of the toughest: overcoming difficulties lie this is an essential part of the pilgrims' spiritual training. Bene finds that confronting her own self as she walks, her awareness becomes clearer. She takes in deeply the beautiful scenery she sees, and the warmth of the people she meets.
- Documentary
- Japanese, English