Movies & Series W/ Michael Balch

Kill Martin ScratchKill Martin Scratch
Killers of KillersKillers of Killers
Casting Couch Slaughter 2: The Second ComingCasting Couch Slaughter 2: The Second Coming
Route 24Route 24
Casting Couch SlaughterCasting Couch Slaughter
Holland Road Massacre: The Legend of PigmanHolland Road Massacre: The Legend of Pigman
The Plague 2: Biohazard BloodThe Plague 2: Biohazard Blood
Confessions of a Homicidal ProstituteConfessions of a Homicidal Prostitute
Flesh of My FleshFlesh of My Flesh
Holland RoadHolland Road
A Grim BecomingA Grim Becoming
Constant AngelConstant Angel
Attack of the Killer Wallet That Was Kind of From Outer SpaceAttack of the Killer Wallet That Was Kind of From Outer Space
Bread by DawnBread by Dawn
Woodville, GenesisWoodville, Genesis
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