Movies & Series W/ Titus Himmelberger

Jurassic Shark 3: SeavengeJurassic Shark 3: Seavenge
The StalkingThe Stalking
Once Upon a Time in AmityvilleOnce Upon a Time in Amityville
Jurassic ExorcistJurassic Exorcist
Cocaine WerewolfCocaine Werewolf
Cocaine SharkCocaine Shark
Doll SharkDoll Shark
Feeders 3: The Final MealFeeders 3: The Final Meal
House SquatchHouse Squatch
Hell on the ShelfHell on the Shelf
Jurassic Shark 2: AquapocalypseJurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse
Virus SharkVirus Shark
Children of Camp BloodChildren of Camp Blood
Shark Encounters of the Third KindShark Encounters of the Third Kind
Camp MurderCamp Murder
Deadly PlaythingsDeadly Playthings
Boeing, BoeingBoeing, Boeing
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