Movies & Series W/ Daisuke Awaji

Kagemaru of the Iga ClanKagemaru of the Iga Clan
The Yagyu Military Art: Yagyu ListThe Yagyu Military Art: Yagyu List
江戸忍法帖 七つの影江戸忍法帖 七つの影
Tokaido FullhouseTokaido Fullhouse
Miyamoto Musashi: Showdown at Hannyazaka HeightsMiyamoto Musashi: Showdown at Hannyazaka Heights
While TravelingWhile Traveling
Skull CoinsSkull Coins
A Revengeful RaidA Revengeful Raid
Mukōmizu No Kenka KasaMukōmizu No Kenka Kasa
The Princess and the Bearded LordThe Princess and the Bearded Lord
Yagyu Chronicles 3: The Valley of OutlawsYagyu Chronicles 3: The Valley of Outlaws
Magistrate of DiceMagistrate of Dice
Yagyu Chronicles 2: The Secret SwordYagyu Chronicles 2: The Secret Sword
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