Before he joined the Armed Detective Agency, Osamu Dazai was the youngest-ever executive with the Port Mafia, the most notorious underground crime syndicate in all of Yokohama. Three of its members--Dazai, Odasaku, and Ango--formed a camaraderie despite their vast disparities in rank. When Ango suddenly goes missing, Odasaku, a lowly Mafia grunt, receives direct orders from their boss to find him...only for Ango's trail to lead Odasaku to a mysterious, foreign criminal organization called Mimic. At last, the reason why Dazai parted ways with the Port Mafia is revealed!
Cast & Crew
- Masashi Taniguchi , Hideya Tawada , Hirofumi Araki , Takeshi Hayashino , Akira Kubodera , Nonoka Obuchi , Toshiya Kumano , Hirotaka Kato
- Norihito Nakayashiki